Interview Questions

Angular Interview Questions

If you’re looking for Angular Interview Questions or working with the Angular framework, learning about interview questions will help your following job interview, impress your future employer, and get the job you want faster.

Knowing these Angular interview questions will also give you a leg up on the competition when impressing potential employers in your following job interview. This article will show you some of the Angular interview questions that I used to land my last job, which has led me to this one.

Basics Of Angular Interview Questions

Before getting started, let’s check the basics of Angular Interview Questions.

  • AngularJS Introduction

AngularJS is an open-source web application framework maintained by Google and the community that assists with creating single-page applications. It combines declarative templates, dependency injection, end-to-end tooling, and integrated best practices to solve development challenges. You can use AngularJS to develop any application you want, from websites and mobile applications (that run on Cordova or PhoneGap) to full-blown SPA using NodeJS as your backend.

  • Angular Components

Components are at the heart of Angular 2, and using them effectively is an essential part of building suitable web applications. So it’s not surprising that most Angular interview questions focus on these. You’ll probably be asked a few, including What are components? How do they work? What kind of directives can you use to create pieces?

  • Angular Modules

In Angular, a module is just a fancy name for a component. Once you start adding custom modules to your application, you’ll be able to reuse them across various parts of your app. This saves you time and ensures consistency in your codebase. Modules are also great ways to organize related code into self-contained components with their own sets of dependencies and functions that only operate within that specific area of your application.

  • Angular Providers

In Angular, providers are used to injecting services into directives and components. Any message or member defined within a NgModule will have access to all registered providers, whether or not it uses those services. Also, a provider can be configured as lazy, meaning that the service will not be provided until some other part requests it from your application. This is especially useful for directives with extensive lists of items – such as menus and tables – where only a subset may be visible at any given time.

  • Angular Testing

When it comes to testing in Angular, there are a few different types of tests you can write. Here’s an overview of each: Unit Testing: The smallest unit is a function, and any functions called by that function are part of that unit. You can test units independently, meaning you don’t have to worry about trying everything in your application at once.

Top Angular Interview Questions and Answers:

Q1: What is Angular? Why was it introduced?

Angular is an open-source web application framework that lets you build dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) using classic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. At its core, Angular is a platform for building mobile apps and desktop software with a rich user interface that’s well suited to today’s web applications.

Google created it to address many developers’ challenges when building large applications independently.

Q2: What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. The language, which is based on JavaScript, makes it easier to write large-scale applications in JavaScript.

TypeScript can be used for creating web apps and creating server-side apps like Node.js. It does not replace JavaScript but adds some features to make development easier.

Q3: What is data binding? Which type of data binding does Angular deploy?

Angular uses both one-way and two-way data binding. It supports all three flavors of Angular templates: HTML, HAML, and Jade.

Additionally, all forms of data binding are possible within directives: property (one-way), event (two-way), and expression (one-way). What is a message? An element attribute or custom tag that encapsulates DOM manipulation logic.

Q4: What are Single Page Applications (SPA)?

Single-page applications (SPA) behave like desktop applications, loading a single page and then dynamically updating information based on user input (e.g., querying server data via AJAX) or keeping what is currently displayed in memory.

All necessary code – HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and even client-side templates using something like AngularJS – resides on a single web page in a SPA.

Q5: Differentiate between Angular and AngularJS

Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s what you use to create single-page apps that have high-fidelity, dynamic UIs.

Angular is based on Google’s popular JavaScript framework—the same one used to create Gmail, Google Maps, and many other consumer products. However, it has been completely rewritten in TypeScript (an open-source programming language developed by Microsoft) and offers performance enhancements over AngularJS.

Q6: What are decorators in Angular?

Decorators are used in Angular to add metadata information about a class or function. For example, if you indicate that a class is a component, then a decorator can be used. Angular has some special decorators like @Component, @NgModule and more, which are used to create modular applications that use components.

Q7: Mention some advantages of Angular.

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used to build large and robust apps that are flexible and scale to all devices. Here are some of its key advantages

Q8: What are the new updates with Angular10?

Angular was rewritten entirely in 2016, taking it from version 1. x to 2.0 and changing it significantly enough that most of Angular 1’s documentation is not compatible with what you need to know for Angular 2+.

Just as a comparison: Angular 2+ has updated everything about how templates work, how data binding works, and how component lifecycles work—and that’s only scratching the surface of all that’s new! What are these recent changes?

Q9: What are Templates in Angular?

One of Angular’s greatest strengths is its support for templates. Templates are HTML files that contain unique tags (aka directives) that tell Angular what content to bind to an application variable.

It’s kind of like building a Jenga tower: You can add a little or a lot, but there’s no limit—as long as your building stays standing! Let’s take a closer look at how these blocks of code work.

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