
How To Get Job In Google – Step By Step Guide For Freshers

How To Get Job In Google: If you’re thinking about how difficult to find an interview at Google and other tech companies, I will give you my insights from my experience as a tech recruiter.

Finding a post at Google is challenging because they only hire the most skilled people and receive many applicants. (This is the primary reason why finding employment for Google is difficult).

However, it is possible. If you’re looking to be hired by Google, ensure that you continue reading until the end because I’ll also give you my top suggestions to help you get an employment offer at Google. (It’s not easy, but you can overcome the odds by following certain steps).

Here are the exact details of how difficult it is to find an interview for Google.

How difficult is it to get Employment at Google?

It’s difficult to secure employment at Google because of their high standards and the many applications they receive yearly. For instance, INC reported that Google receives two million job applications per year, meaning it’s more competitive for applicants to join than Harvard University. But thousands of people are employed by Google every year, which means it’s possible!

(In the second part of this article, I’ll explain how you can get an employment offer from Google (so keep reading).

Let’s first look in more detail at why it’s hard to land a job with Google.

Google seeks to recruit brilliant, talented, driven, and successful people. It’s not a matter of sugar-coating it.

It doesn’t matter if you’re applying to be an engineer in software or a different department within Google. They will only recruit the top of the top.

They’ll look into your previous employers in the past, and they’re not likely to hire them and even interview you if you’re from companies with no name that isn’t facing big problems similar to Google.

They’ll look into your educational background, particularly when you’re trying to land work as an Engineer Software Engineer or Programmer for Google.

(While a variety of developers offer “boot camps” and easy methods of learning the basics of programming, Google recommends a traditional 4-year Computer Science degree – or even more for some of their engineering jobs and data engineering positions.

Google can be selective due to the number of applications they get.

Since Google receives two million applications annually, the company can be extremely selective across all teams and for various jobs ranging from engineering to customer service.

Whatever job you’re applying for at Google, You’ll face competition from people working for other great tech companies (Tesla, Microsoft, Facebook, etc.)

You’ll also be competing against those with impressive academic backgrounds. Google accepts hundreds of applications from those who have graduated from Harvard, MIT, and other top computer science and tech programs.

But you can find a job at Google, but it’s an option to consider if you’d like to be employed by Google.

In the following part of this post, I’ll explain how you can increase your chances of securing the job you want in Google.

How to Find a Job at Google

After we’ve examined the challenges it takes to land a job with Google and how difficult it is to get a job at Google, I’d like to provide you with the steps to give you the best chance of beating the odds!

Networking is the best way to get your message out there.

Your best chance is to be introduced to people in your network. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be interviewed. However, networking is usually the most effective way to land a job, as businesses trust you more when they’re recommended to them.

How To Get Job In Google

Begin by reviewing your contacts list (ideally on LinkedIn since you can view their past and present employers). Also, look up who has a past or current connection to Google.

The best method to reach out to people you haven’t talked to for a while is to ask them a question. Don’t ask for a huge favor before you ask; it’s likely a recipe for getting your message removed.

You’ll want to request something small first, Like this: “Hi Jeff – I saw that you’ve joined Google! That’s amazing. Congratulations on securing the job. I’m considering an application for a job. Do you have a couple of things you’ve done that got Google’s attention? ?”

Here’s a different illustration: “Hi Amy – how do you feel since you left XYZ company? I have a question. I’m planning to start an application for a job soon, and I’m planning to look to get to Google’s radar (along with many other leading tech firms).

I’m aware that you were an HR professional for Google, however. Do you have any suggestions for prospective candidates to make themselves stand out to Google before applying? Anything you can offer is great .”

In the ideal scenario, you’d want someone to suggest yourself to a hiring manager from Google or suggest you to a potential employer. However, you don’t want to begin the discussion by asking for an important favor.

It’s an enormous favor. You’re asking someone to stand up and stand up for you.

Begin with a small amount, as in the examples of networking scripts below. This is how you can get employment at Google through networking.

If you need more assistance, I provide additional tips and examples in this article about getting the perfect job.

Make sure you write your perfect resume.

A basic resume won’t make it to an interview with Google. Because of the difficulty of finding employment at Google, it is essential to have an application designed for the job position you’re applying to.

Be sure to talk about your accomplishments in the past and not only what you were accountable for.

This is a big difference and is among the most frequent mistakes I have seen as an employer.

Be persistent

Due to the difficulty of being employed by Google, You may not get hired on your first try.

Be perseverant. Try again after six months if you can’t convince them to take notice of the difference right now.

You can apply even if you’re already employed in another place. Employers are likelier to be drawn by working applicants (not honest, but it’s true!)

This article will explain the advantages of searching for employment while working.

If you try to apply for a job with Google but fail and are offered a different position… you may still apply for job opportunities at Google within six months or a full year.

Even if they didn’t like you in one job at a certain point does not mean they will never consider you in the future.

Perhaps they thought your resume was decent. However, they received other applications that appeared to be an ideal fit.

Perhaps they needed someone with experience. However, the team you submitted for has grown and needs more junior employees.

You never know. Therefore the best option to land an interview for a position at Google is to continue applying, continue making connections, and don’t quit after a couple of applications.

Team IndisJob

IndisJob is a leading job search engine and hiring platform where you can check the latest private jobs, government jobs, and trending topics around employment & jobs around globe.

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