
Anganwadi Supervisor Salary – Complete Profile Overview

In the realm of community welfare and child development, Anganwadi supervisors play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of both children and mothers. One often asked question in this domain is, “What is the Anganwadi supervisor salary?”

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Anganwadi supervisor salaries, exploring factors that influence their income, and providing insights for those interested in pursuing this noble profession.

Understanding Anganwadi Supervisor Salary:

What is an Anganwadi Supervisor?

Anganwadi supervisors are key figures in the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program in India. They oversee the functioning of Anganwadi centers, which are pivotal in delivering essential healthcare, nutrition, and early education services to women and children in rural and urban areas.

Roles and Responsibilities: Anganwadi Supervisor

Before we discuss the salary aspect, let’s briefly examine the roles and responsibilities of Anganwadi supervisors. They are tasked with:

  1. Monitoring Anganwadi Centers: Supervisors ensure that these centers are operating effectively.
  2. Resource Management: Managing and distributing essential supplies like food, medicines, and educational materials.
  3. Health and Nutrition: Overseeing the health and nutrition programs for pregnant women and children.
  4. Community Engagement: Interacting with the local community to raise awareness about health and nutrition.

Factors Influencing Anganwadi Supervisor Salaries

Several factors come into play when determining the salary of an Anganwadi supervisor.

Location Matters

  1. Urban vs. Rural: Supervisors in urban areas may receive higher salaries due to the increased cost of living.

Educational Qualifications

  1. Qualification: The level of education and qualifications can impact the salary. Those with advanced degrees may earn more.

Experience Counts

  1. Experience: The number of years of service often translates to a higher salary.

Government Regulations

  1. Government Policies: Government regulations and policies play a significant role in determining salaries.

Anganwadi Supervisor Salary Structure

Now that we’ve examined the factors influencing salaries, let’s look at the typical salary structure of Anganwadi supervisors.

Basic Salary

  1. Basic Pay: The basic salary can vary but typically starts at around INR 20,000 to 25,000 per month.


  1. Dearness Allowance (DA): Anganwadi supervisors receive a DA, which is a cost-of-living adjustment. It is usually a percentage of the basic pay.
  2. House Rent Allowance (HRA): HRA is provided to those not residing in government quarters.

Incentives and Bonuses

  1. Performance-Based Bonuses: Some supervisors may receive bonuses based on their performance and achievements.

Career Growth and Advancement

Anganwadi supervisors have opportunities for career growth. With dedication and experience, they can advance to higher positions, such as CDPO (Child Development Project Officer) or DPO (District Project Officer), which come with increased responsibilities and higher salaries.

Conclusion: Anganwadi Supervisor Salary

In conclusion, Anganwadi supervisors play a vital role in nurturing the well-being of children and mothers in India. While their salaries can vary depending on factors like location, qualifications, and experience, their dedication to community welfare is immeasurable. Choosing this profession not only offers financial stability but also the satisfaction of making a positive impact on society.


1. What qualifications are required to become an Anganwadi supervisor?

To become an Anganwadi supervisor, one typically needs a bachelor’s degree in fields like social work, nutrition, or education.

2. Do Anganwadi supervisors receive any additional benefits?

Yes, in addition to their salary, they often receive benefits like health insurance and retirement plans.

3. Are Anganwadi supervisors eligible for promotions?

Yes, with experience and performance, Anganwadi supervisors can be promoted to higher positions within the ICDS program.

4. What is the job outlook for Anganwadi supervisors?

The demand for Anganwadi supervisors is expected to remain steady, as their role is critical in child and maternal health programs.

5. How can one apply for a position as an Anganwadi supervisor?

Interested individuals can usually apply through government job portals or directly at local ICDS offices.

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