Interview Questions

Top 10 Python Flask Interview Questions That Will Help You To Qualify Your Interview

If you are going for Python Flask Interview, this article will help you about Python Flask Interview Questions. We’ve all been there – you’re in the middle of an interview and the interviewer asks a question about Python Flask that you just can’t answer. It can be frustrating, but as long as you know what questions you might be asked, it won’t be surprised when they come up.

Top 10 Python Flask Interview Questions

Knowing the right answers to these interview questions will help you feel more confident, and there are even some general coding questions thrown in to keep you on your toes!

Here check top 10 Python Flask Interview Questions that will help you to qualify your Python Flask Interview.

  • Explain what Flask is?

Flask is a micro web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2, and good intentions. It’s not a full-stack replacement for Django or other frameworks, but it does support many common tasks and can be easily extended by plugins. It’s ideal for small projects that don’t require all of Django or other large frameworks to run properly. If you need any further information, you can check out their official documentation page.

  • Explain how you would check if a given value was already present in an array?

One of Python’s built-in functions, in array, checks to see if a value is present in an array. It takes three arguments: The first argument is an object (an element of your array). The second argument is your array. The third argument is optional and specifies whether you want to check for equality or membership. This isn’t a very fast function and can cause problems with large arrays so it’s best to avoid it when possible.

  • What are different ways to organize code?

For a large application, you’ll want to use either object-oriented programming or functional programming. Object-oriented is better for very large applications (such as an operating system), and functional programming is better when your application is smaller in size.

Object-oriented code typically defines classes and objects, while functional code uses functions that have no state. Both styles have their benefits and drawbacks; it’s up to you to decide which style will be more appropriate in your situation.

  • Can you give me an example of when inheritance can be useful?

Inheritance is used to extend an existing class. Inheritance can be useful when you want to add new capabilities or behaviors to an existing class. When you inherit from another class, you are essentially creating a new class that is like an extension of an existing one.

  • Are there any issues with using global variables in Python?

Don’t use them. Every variable should be declared as a local variable within a function, not just because it’s good programming practice but also because many of the popular Python frameworks (Django, Pyramid, etc.) will throw errors if you attempt to use global variables in your application.

  • How would you implement a matrix using lists, tuples, and dictionaries?

First, let’s look at what a matrix is. A matrix can be considered to be an array of arrays of data. A common way to represent a 2D matrix is as follows: [[1,2], [3,4]]. That just means we have two vectors or lists of values with each vector consisting of two numbers.

If you were to print that out it would look like so: 1 2 3 4 , 1 2 3 4 and each number inside those square brackets are called elements.

  • Are there any design patterns that you use frequently?

This is a way for interviewers to see how you’re familiar with different design patterns and if you can think on your feet. Design patterns are proven solutions to common development problems that many languages and frameworks implement in their own unique ways.

Interviewers love asking about these because it allows them to ask an open-ended question and get a feel for how you approach solving problems.

  • How would you implement a counter in Python?

Basic mathematical operations like a counter are quite easy to do with standard Python data structures. In order to create an interactive counter, you’ll need a database, however. Check out What is a database? if you want to learn more about databases in general and SQLite specifically.

If you’re still not sure what exactly you want from your database, consider reading How does a database work?.

  • What’s the difference between methods and functions in Python?

Methods and functions are two types of code in python. Both can return values, and both can take arguments. The difference between them is that methods are functions associated with an object. They are called as if they were a member of that object (e.g., objectname.methodname()).

  • How do you check whether two objects are equal by value (not reference)?

This is done using two equal-to-signs (==). If you’re checking if an object x is equal to another object y, it’s done by writing x == y. This checks whether they both have the same value.

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